How Time Flies!

My personal (and quite thick) “murder book” on the Stacey Burns case begins in 2010. This book would double in size were I to include the hundreds of blog posts I’ve written since then. Reviewing that book makes one wonder about how fast time goes by...

Evil People-One in a million?

“It doesn’t matter that most people are basically good. What matters is that we have more than enough bad folks to wreak havoc with all their good intentions.” Henry Bouchard, a semi-villain in my book, Live Free or Die, says this and tells anyone...

Percentages-Evil vs. Good

Are people basically good? In my most recent novel, Live Free or Die, a major character, Henry Bouchard, raises the possibility that this question really doesn’t matter.  Evil versus good makes for a wonderful philosophical argument, but, Bouchard theorizes, it...

Doing nothing?

A statement in the previous post needs clarification. I said that sometimes doing the right thing is enough to make a difference. I believe that statement to be true but there is an obvious opposite to it. Not doing the right thing also is enough to make a difference....

Twenty Days Shy

My apologies for being silent for a few days- was having a wonderful time with our family visiting in Arizona! Twenty days remain until the fifth anniversary of the death of Stacey Burns is marked by a dreadful return of the grief, the profound sadness, the...