“Murder in a Small Town” is the title of a program I presented to our Men’s Breakfast group at Desert Hills Lutheran Church last Thursday. Obviously, the subject was the work I’ve done on the book about the Stacey Burns murder case.

There were some interesting questions and reactions from the forty or so men attending this program. I’ll paraphrase a few of them here.

1. Over six years and they haven’t arrested the killer? Someone has screwed up. (This person meant the evidence was tainted or the investigation was botched, or both)

2. Why didn’t the family want to cooperate with you on the book?

3. It would seem that the ex-husband would want to include his side of the story in your book. (This after I mentioned the returned, unopened, unsigned for, registered letters requesting an interview)

4. Isn’t the community up in arms about this? (This after I mentioned the fear that still exists because there is a vicious murderer walking free.)

5. Is it a cold case? (It isn’t- it is “Open-Unsolved”)

As I said, these are just a few of the questions raised by an audience unfamiliar with the crime and my book project. I thought readers of this blog might be interested.

