As a brief follow-up to the previous blog, I offer my single observation on the question of the voice of the victim, in this case Stacey Burns.
Now, four years and thirty three days after Stacey was murdered, it seems to me that the voice of the victim should be plural, increasing in number every day. Family, friends, professional colleagues, members of the community, local police, state police, newspaper editors, television journalists, acquaintances, and, yes, even writers, all need to be the voice of someone who no longer can speak. Is this what we see happening?
“Time, often characterized as the great healer, is also a great enemy as interest wanes, another sad but true aspect of human nature. Urgency cannot last forever or it is not urgency.” (Duke Southard, Chapter Seven, p. 57- Murder in a Small Town: The Tragic Death of Stacey Burns)
I wish Duke Southard had been my High School English teacher.
Second Chance Student
Congratulations on your resurrected new title! Way to go.