I’ve been kindly and deservedly chastised for failing to post on this blog since April 3rd. I need to work on my time schedule a bit! My apologies to fans out there!
Now, a second apology-I allowed the 5000th day anniversary of Stacey’s murder to pass without mention here after building it up somewhat. With that out of the way, here’s bit of a reintroduction to the whole Stacey Burns/Wolfeboro story. It is the first paragraph of the third draft of Murder in a Small Town: The Tragic Death of Stacey Burns.

“Friday, May 8, 2009
Stacey Burns never saw the dawn of Mothers’ Day, on May 10, 2009. That particular festive weekend of celebration with special family gatherings and the welcoming of spring assumes a surreal quality when examined in hindsight. Late Friday afternoon, Ed Burns stopped by Stacey’s house to pick up their three youngest girls for a Mothers’ Day weekend visit. As his car left the driveway, the girls likely waved goodbye with the characteristic enthusiasm of young children.
They would not see their mother again. Stacey had about thirty-six hours to live.”

This is a small part of what happened almost fourteen years ago this May 9/10. FOURTEEN YEARS, FOLKS!

My next post will not be delayed so long!