I’ve been told that people back in New Hampshire are reading this blog. For that reason, I’ve waited for ten days for a response to my “Manuscript for Sale” blog, hoping that someone, other than Jim Vittum, would answer the call. (See previous blog for my request) No one has.
For over two and a half years, my writing energies have gone toward Murder in a Small Town: The Tragic Death of Stacey Burns. This is just a guess but maybe I’ve spent more time working on this project in recent months than the authorities have spent trying to solve the murder. Of course, I hope with all my heart that this guess is completely wrong but I’d be willing to match hours out of curiosity. I know, I know, they have other cases to work on too!
The sad truth is that without anyone else stepping up to either supply new information to me or to simply tell me that it is all right to use the information they’ve already supplied, I am stymied.
Within the next three or four months, my first novel (A Favor Returned) will be re-released in paperback and as an e-book so my writing efforts are going to be focused on the revision of that book. (which, by the way, is undergoing a complete rewrite)
I still make the offer to anyone reading this: If you have any new information about the Stacey Burns murder, I would love to include it and I’d be happy to return to work on that book if anyone supplies me with the incentive of fresh ideas.
Watch for an announcement coming soon about my new website where you will be able to go for all kinds of information, from the Stacey Burns book to writing tips and anecdotes to news about programs and presentations.
Just wondering about one other thing regarding the Stacey Burns case- have any reporters been able to obtain any informative police reports concerning that day? Has an autopsy report been released? Is all of that type of information still hidden behind the “ongoing investigation” curtain?