Is anyone else getting tired of this? I did not know Stacey but my reasons for trying to write a book about her _______murder (I am running out of adjectives to describe it) have been documented over and over again. However, I feel a personal shame that my feeble efforts to get to the truth have been fruitless. There is certainly enough shame to go around in this case but as it approaches five years since the murder, I fear that shame is diminishing.
First, shame on the piteous, cowardly killer who attacked a mother of five children in her bed on Mothers’ Day and has not felt the remorse necessary to come forward and admit it. He/she deserves nothing but scorn for the evil in his/her soul.
Second, shame on those who know something and will not come forward. Someone beside the killer knows what happened.
Third, shame on those who should be knocking the doors of the NHSP and the NH State Attorney General’s Office down, demanding answers, answers that do not include the words “waiting for the killer to come forward” or “not enough evidence” or “an arrest is imminent” or “the public is not in danger” or “we don’t want to take a chance on the double jeopardy aspect to take effect” or “these things take time” or “sometimes it takes years to solve a case.”
I apologize for venting here. I feel for those family members who are still waiting for answers for murders committed years and years ago. It is a cliché but sometimes clichés reveal deep truths. Any victim of a murder deserves justice and there are too many who have not received it. I cannot begin to identify with their grief.
Why not divide the rest of your book into sections that examine different subject’s motives, whereabouts, etc., changing their real names of course to avoid libel? Pick the three most likely suspects and run a scenario of probable events, getting inside each of the suspect’s heads and emotions.
Might be very interesting; sure beats watching paint dry.
~ REMEMBERING STACEY BURNS ~ Being the fifth anniversay of her murder, i hope to plan a Facebook page and movement to remember her and plead for justice for her CHILDREN. working on it now.looking for a web site developer. need help.
I would like to plant yellow roses in her memory everywhere……. starting with her front lawn if possable.
Think she would love the idea. Those who knew who know it well :o)
those who knew H E R