Since last June, my blogs have been focused on the murder of Stacey Burns and my work on Murder in a Small Town: The Tragic Death of Stacey Burns. Approximately seventy blogs later, I wonder if these pieces have had any effect. In the near future, this blog will hopefully be reaching a wider audience as a completely rewritten version of my first novel, A Favor Returned, is released as an e-book and as a paperback. As that event approaches, the blog will have a change of focus. It will still be addressing my true crime book but will be expanding into other areas as well. Perhaps with a wider audience, the blog will have the effect I intended in the first place. That effect was (and is) to help keep the cold-blooded killing of Stacey Burns from falling through the cracks of indifference. I am not at all sure that all the blogs I’ve written have come anywhere close to doing that.

I’m sure that as the FOURTH ANNIVERSARY of her murder rolls around in a few months, there will be a flurry of newspaper articles and memorial events with a great deal of attention paid. I thought that just maybe these blogs would fill in the gap between anniversaries of her death, keeping her memory in the forefront. Sad to say and hard to admit but I guess just maybe I was mistaken.
