For this past week and the next, any posts will be sporadic at best. We’ve had our grandchildren, ages 9 & 12, here for this week and then we travel to the east coast with them back to their home in Bel Air, Maryland. What a great visit with young kids! Needless to say, writing and posting have not been high priorities-just keeping up with them is a fun challenge. It is the second year of what we are calling Camp Arizona, with horseback riding, museums, plays, and a lot of just plain being together.
I will post about the visit at a later date, In the meantime, don’t give up on my posts. after August 17, 2017, I’ll get back on the regular schedule.
Thanks for your patience!
Oh, what fun times! No problem with waiting. Everything goes on hold while the children are close.
Enjoy your time with them. As you know time goes by way too fast and they grow up way too quickly.