Horseback riding . . .

Hannah on the left, Grammie Barbara in the middle, and Ben on the right! I’ve been somewhat busy with a wonderful visit from our grandkids from Maryland and tomorrow will be going back east with them so blog posts have not been on the priority list. I thank...

A year old post…re: Stacey Burns

This was posted in June, 2017. It is timely in the sense that it mentions the 4th of July. At the time, I thought the information I supplied was important and I still do. Of course, no one can ever know what became of this tip because the NHSP are absolutely on top of...

On track . . .

My fourth novel in the Detective Parker Havenot is on track for publication in mid-October, 2018. Watch for further details!

After the Tournaments

I  truly appreciate the thoughtfulness and effort and heartfelt emotion that goes into all the events commemorating the anniversary of a brutal, heinous crime, the murder of Stacey Burns. So now, it is three days after the ninth anniversary. My only question? How much...

Out with the old!

Well, I’ve finally taken the advice of family, friends, acquaintances, and even a few strangers on the street! This is gone! This it the replacement. Now, if, in a Green Valley moment, I forget to put my feet down, I won’t fall over. It’s a 2005 PT...

Repost of Strong Comment, etc.

In yesterday’s post, portions, for whatever reason, were left out. This is a repeat of that paragraph with the missing words. Today, I share a portion of a comment to a post from a week ago. It just gives us an important fact to remember in the killing of Stacey...