What follows is another comment from a previous post regarding the possibility of some sort of action to be taken as the tenth anniversary of the murder of Stacey Burns approaches in just a few months. I personally would love to see this idea gain some traction in the Wolfeboro area. In spite of the official claims that this case is “active” it seems as if nothing much is happening right now. Once again, if anyone knows that something real is happening, then please speak up. I say “something real” because it is a farce to continually say “cases like this often are dormant then something new crops up” or “it is being worked an a regular basis.”

Here is a portion of the comment made. Can we somehow make this idea become a reality?

“What would Stacey think of this idea??? a Celebration of Her life… and the 10th Anniversary of her unsolved murder.
Maybe the first Annual Appeal to the Honorable Governor of the State of New Hampshire to Reopen an ACTIVE Investigation into Her Death……. ~ TIME to take a fresh look at all the evidence. ~ TIME to interview… re-interview EVERYONE at the scene or whose prints were found in her room. ~ TIME to consider NOT EVERYONE SUSPECTS ED is guilty. SOMEONE committed a perfect murder simply by making it look like a crime of passion.
ITS T I M E TO START TALKING FOLKS…FRIENDS OF STACEY >>>HERE IS A SAFE PUBLIC FORUM Stacey’s spirit will always be here for Her children but she wonders where have all her friends gone. She begs for her children that you tell the truth about what you know, and remember that there is safety in numbers. She says we are snowflakes so so strong if we stick together. Remember LOVE is the greatest gift of all. She is flying with the angels spreading LOVE.”

Please think about it. Wouldn’t it be better than doing nothing?

Hope you all have a happy, prosperous, and blessed New YEar!
